Cut carbs, increase protein to check diabetes, says study

ht the Centre would cle GST, we as our dues. But now the Centre is taking away all money col lected as GST but not giving us our dues. I had met the Prime Minister and requested him. DurgeshMandan Jha

New Delhi: A study publis hed in the journal Diabetes Care has recommended to Indians to reduce carbohydrate intake for the remission or prevention of type 2 diabetes. The study is based on a close observation of the dietary pattern of over 18,000 individuals from across the country.

The study is based on a close observation of the dietary pattern of over 18.000 individuals – 1,594 Newly Diagnosed Diabetes (NDD) cases, 7,336 Pre-Diabetics (PD) and 9,160 persons with NGT or Normal Glucose Tolerance-from across the country.




Study recommends that Indians should reduce carbs to 49-56% from 61-64% for remission or prevention of type 2 diabetes

Says one should increase protein intake (14-20% of total energy consumption)

50% of the plate should consist of fruits and green leafy vegetables, 25% carb of choice & rest 25% should contain food rich in protein

According to Dr Ranjit Mohan Anjana, the lead author of the study the macronutrient recommendations were derived through a mathematical modelling to compute optimal compositions that would reduce the sum of the difference between the estimated HbAlc from the linear regression model and the targets for remission and prevention of progression of diabetes.

“Physically inactive, obe se and older individuals, as well as those residing in urban locations, may require greater reduction in carbohydrate intake.” Dr Anjana said. When asked, how should one calculate the calories or food composition, the doctor said one can seek the help of a nutritionist or follow the simple rule of dividing a pla te of meal in four parts. Fifty per cent of the plate should consist of fruits and green leafy vegetables, 25% carbohydrates of choice, for example rice, chapati, pasta or noodle and the rest of the 25% should contain food rich in protein which can be daal (pulses), paneer, soya, egg. chicken or fish.


Correcting unhealthy dietary habits has emerged as a valuable tool not only to pre vent the development and progression of type 2 diabe tes but also to induce remis sion of the lifestyle disease, the researchers say Some of the earlier studies and even practising nutritionists, the refore, also suggest undertaking extreme reductions in carbohydrate and calorie intake for the remission of diabetes and even weight reduction.

The keto diet, very low calorie diet (VLCD), are some of the prime examples of this.