Fagonia cretica (Dhanvyaas) - most promising herb in the fight against cancer

Flavonoids helping in fight against cancer
Flavonoids, abundant in Fagonia cretica, exhibit potent anticancer properties. These compounds act as antioxidants, neutralizing harmful free radicals, and have anti-inflammatory effects. Flavonoids also influence signaling pathways, inhibit tumor cell growth, and induce apoptosis, contributing to their role in the fight against cancer.


Botanical Name: Fagonia cretica

English Names:

  1. Fagonia
  2. Dhamasa
  3. Virgin’s Mantle

Hindi Names:

  1. Dhanvyaas
  2. Dhau
  3. Dhaman
  4. Dhamasa

Sanskrit Names:

  1. Duralabha
  2. Dhanvyaasah
  3. Vanjula

Marathi Names:

  1. Dhavana
  2. Dhavani
  3. Dhanadevata


Fagonia Cretica, a resilient and revered medicinal herb, hails from the Zygophyllaceae family and thrives in arid landscapes, particularly in regions of Asia such as India and the Middle East. Commonly known as Dhanvyaas or Dhamasa, this small, spiny shrub has established itself as a crucial component in traditional medicine systems like Ayurveda and Unani.

Characterized by its robust nature, Fagonia Cretica adapts to challenging environments, flourishing in sandy or rocky soils. Its distinctive features include small green leaves and delicate flowers in shades of white to pale pink. The plant’s tenacity in harsh conditions mirrors its historical significance in addressing various health concerns.

Fagonia Cretica holds cultural importance, deeply embedded in traditional practices for centuries. Its versatile applications span respiratory health, anti-inflammatory support, and potential cardiovascular benefits. As scientific interest continues to grow, the exploration of Fagonia Cretica’s pharmacological properties promises to shed further light on its role in contemporary herbal medicine.


The nature of Fagonia Cretica, commonly known as Dhanvyaas or Dhamasa, is characterized by its cooling and drying attributes. This herb, belonging to the Zygophyllaceae family, exudes qualities aligned with its traditional use in addressing conditions associated with heat and inflammation. In Ayurveda, Fagonia Cretica is acknowledged for its Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent), and Shita (cooling) tastes, making it well-suited for balancing the Vata and Kapha doshas.

Its cooling nature signifies a potential to pacify excess heat within the body, providing relief in conditions linked to inflammation and elevated Pitta dosha. Additionally, the drying quality suggests an ability to counteract excessive moisture, which may be beneficial in addressing respiratory concerns and conditions associated with excess Kapha dosha.

This unique combination of cooling and drying properties renders Fagonia Cretica a valuable herb in traditional medicine systems, offering a holistic approach to maintaining balance and promoting well-being by addressing specific imbalances within the body.


Fagonia Cretica, known as Dhanvyaas or Dhamasa, primarily thrives in arid regions and is widely available in parts of Asia, including India and the Middle East. This hardy shrub has adapted to harsh environmental conditions, particularly in sandy or rocky soils where water availability may be limited. The plant’s ability to withstand high temperatures and low rainfall underscores its resilience, making it a notable feature in arid landscapes.

The availability of Fagonia Cretica is closely linked to its natural habitat, often found in desert areas or regions with arid climates. It has become well-established in these challenging environments, showcasing its adaptability and survival mechanisms. Local communities in these regions have long recognized and utilized the medicinal properties of Fagonia Cretica, contributing to its cultural significance.

While Fagonia Cretica is more commonly found in specific geographical zones, its recognition in traditional medicine has spurred interest in cultivation efforts and sustainable harvesting practices. As demand grows for its medicinal benefits, conservation and cultivation initiatives may play a crucial role in ensuring a more widespread and consistent availability of this valuable herb.

Ayurveda Perspective:

In Ayurveda, Fagonia Cretica, known as Dhanvyaas or Dhamasa, is highly regarded for its therapeutic properties, with its nature and tastes playing a significant role in its classification. The herb is categorized as having Tikta (bitter), Kashaya (astringent), and Shita (cooling) tastes, making it a versatile component in Ayurvedic formulations.

Fagonia Cretica’s bitter taste suggests its potential to pacify excess Pitta dosha, aiding in the alleviation of inflammatory conditions and promoting a balanced internal environment. The astringent taste contributes to its ability to tone tissues and manage conditions related to excess moisture, particularly beneficial in addressing respiratory concerns and conditions associated with elevated Kapha dosha.

Ayurveda recognizes Fagonia Cretica as having an impact on the Vata and Kapha doshas, making it a valuable herb for conditions marked by imbalances in these energy forces. Its cooling nature further supports its traditional use in mitigating heat-related issues and promoting overall well-being.

The holistic approach of Ayurveda acknowledges the interconnectedness of the body, mind, and spirit, and Fagonia Cretica’s multifaceted qualities align with this philosophy, offering a natural remedy that addresses various dimensions of health and balance within the individual.

Part Used: Various parts of Fagonia cretica are utilized for medicinal purposes, including:

  1. Leaves: Used in decoctions and infusions.
  2. Stems: Employed in traditional formulations.
  3. Flowers: Recognized for their potential medicinal properties. 

Medicinal properties and Medicinal action

  • Rasa: Madhura, Katu, Tikta, Kashay
  • Guna: Laghu, Snigdha
  • Virya: Ushan
  • Vipaka: Madhura
  • Karma: Kaphahara, Medohara, Pittahara,

Indications: Fagonia cretica is traditionally indicated for various health conditions, including:

  1. Respiratory Disorders: Coughs, bronchial congestion, and respiratory distress.
  2. Cancer Illness: Fagonia Cretica has been traditionally recognized for its anti-inflammatory, immuno-modulatory, anti-oxidant potential
  3. Inflammation: Anti-inflammatory properties may aid in managing inflammatory conditions.
  4. Cardiovascular Support: Potential benefits for maintaining healthy blood pressure levels.
  5. Immune System Modulation: Believed to have immunomodulatory effects.

Contraindications: While Fagonia cretica is generally considered safe, individuals with pre-existing medical conditions or those on specific medications should consult healthcare professionals before incorporating it into their regimen.

Side Effects: There are no well-documented side effects associated with Fagonia Cretica. 

Dosage: Dosage recommendations for Fagonia Cretica may vary based on the form of preparation and the specific health concern. It is crucial to follow guidance from traditional practitioners or healthcare professionals.

Medicinal Uses:

  1. Respiratory Health: Fagonia Cretica is valued for its expectorant properties in addressing coughs and bronchial congestion.
  2. Anti-inflammatory and Antioxidant Effects: Used for managing conditions associated with inflammation and oxidative stress, in particular for cancer.
  3. Cardiovascular Support: Traditional applications include support for maintaining healthy blood pressure.
  4. Immunomodulation: Believed to assist in regulating the immune system.

Home Remedies:

  1. Dhamasa Tea: Prepare a decoction using Fagonia Cretica flower, leaves and drink it for enabling remission in cancer.
  2. Inflammatory Conditions: Incorporate Fagonia Cretica in formulations to address inflammation, such as herbal teas or infusions.

Managing side effects of Chemotherapy by Fagonia cretica (leaf & flower) extract

Due to following medicinal properties which are explained in detail, intake of fagonia cretica extract is very much beneficial towards managing side – effects of chemotherapy:

  1. Anti-Inflammatory Properties:

    • Relevance: Chemotherapy often induces inflammation, contributing to side effects such as pain and swelling. Fagonia Cretica’s traditional anti-inflammatory properties offer relief by potentially mitigating inflammatory responses, reducing discomfort associated with chemotherapy.
  2. Antioxidant Effects:

    • Relevance: Chemotherapy generates oxidative stress, leading to cellular damage. Fagonia Cretica, with its antioxidants, help neutralize free radicals, minimizing oxidative damage and supporting the body’s recovery during and after chemotherapy.
  3. Immunomodulation:

    • Relevance: Chemotherapy can compromise the immune system, increasing vulnerability to infections. Fagonia Cretica’s potential immunomodulatory effects aid in restoring immune function, enhancing the body’s defense mechanisms post-chemotherapy.
  4. Adaptogenic Properties:

    • Relevance: Fagonia Cretica is traditionally considered an adaptogen, assisting the body in coping with stress. Chemotherapy is physically and emotionally taxing, and adaptogenic properties help alleviate stress, supporting overall well-being during treatment.
  5. Potential Analgesic Effects:

    • Relevance: Chemotherapy often leads to pain as a side effect. Fagonia Cretica, known for its analgesic properties in traditional use, help in managing chemotherapy-induced pain, providing relief to patients.
  6. Anti-Nausea Properties:

    • Relevance: Nausea and vomiting are common side effects of chemotherapy. Fagonia Cretica’s antiemetic potential, contribute to alleviating chemotherapy-induced nausea, improving the quality of life for cancer patients.