In India new cancer cases to rise 21% in next 7 years

The National Cancer Registry has found new cases growing at roughly 2.8 per cent a year, leading to the projection of a 21 per cent increase in the next seven years. Estimated new cases stood at 10,86,783 in 2013, projected to 11,48,692 in 2015 and 13,20,928 in 2020.

The National Cancer Registry has found new cases growing at roughly 2.8 per cent a year, leading to the projection of a 21 per cent increase in the next seven years. Estimated new cases stood at 10,86,783 in 2013, projected to 11,48,692 in 2015 and 13,20,928 in 2020.

The data collected from 27 population based and nine hospital based registeries, pertain to 7.5 per cent of the population, but are most comprehensive so far. The scientific advisory committee of the programme, headed by Dr G K Rath of AIIMS, has recommended maling cancer a notifiable disease. At present only Punjab and Tripura make reporting mandatory. The recommendation is under consideration.

Of the current new cases, 27 per cent are associated with tobacco use. Lung Cancer in women has risen in the metros, with 21,000 estimated in 2013 against 53,000 men, said Dr A Nandkumar, director of the National Center for Disease Informatics and research in Bangalore.

Cases of cerival Cancer are going down acoss registeries while those of mouth and oesophagel ancers have fallen in some areas. As reported in IE on August 24, 2013.