Stress and anxiety can make you feel nervous, worried and tense. These feelings can range from being a bit uneasy to a continuing sense of dread. You may sometimes feel panicky and frightened.
After a diagnosis of breast cancer, you may feel anxious or stressed. There are techniques and support to help you reduce stress and cope with anxiety better.
Stress and anxiety can make you feel nervous, worried and tense. These feelings can range from being a bit uneasy to a continuing sense of dread. You may sometimes feel panicky and frightened.
Physical signs of stress and anxiety include:
- a change in appetite
- sleep disruption
- muscle tension
- tightness in the chest
- a racing heart rate
- difficulty concentrating
- feeling more irritable than usual
In some cases anxiety can become so overwhelming that it leads to panic attacks, causing further fear and worry.
ITS SPECIFICALLY FOR SUCH PATIENTS, OUR HOSPITAL PROVIDES PATIENTS WITH ORGANIC WITHANIA SOMNIFRA CAPSULES as FREE of charges in all our Shipment and thus patient can start feeling alleviating in anxiety / depression within 72 hours of intake of medicinal herbs. Mother Nature has blessed mankind with so many high potent and medicinally accountable herbs, which we as patients have to use as per prescription of an Ayurveda Physician and achieve best health benefits.
Patients across the Globe can send us email on our 24 * 7 helpline – and we shall be replying back at soonest possible with all our medical services and guidance.